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Zhyly Zhurek

Beeline Kazakhstan Corporate Fund
About us

Beeline Kazakhstan's corporate fund “Zhyly Zhurek Foundation” was established in November 2023.

Our social responsibility policy is focused on achieving long-term results and is implemented through

three key areas:

  • Empowering country’s Education system

    Kazakhstan needs acceleration of educational system. For 10 years a significant proportion of 15-year-old Kazakhstani students have failed to pass the functional literacy level – PISA. The main reason is the gap between city and rural schools. We focus on creating conditions for the maximum number of people to receive a quality education.

  • Emergencies

    Recurring emergencies are forcing us to broaden the focus of our philanthropy and social responsibility. Our customers need to be connected with loved ones during challenging times.

  • Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

    Our products and services need to be accessible for everyone. We need inclusive culture across all levels (from our service to websites and digital apps development) that embraces and celebrates all kinds of differences.

Our projects
Zhyly Zhurek digits
  • 2 billion tenge

    allocated to the charitable project “Capacity Building of Rural Reference Schools”

    in 2022

  • 1 billion tenge

    amount of donations to flood victims in 2024

  • 160 million tenge

    amount of free services to residents of flooded communities in 2024

  • 50 houses

    was built for flood victims in Mactaral in 2020

If you have an inquiry or suggestion,
please email pr@beeline.kz
Media about us
Equal opportunities: Beeline donated a modern school to Shelek village
On September 1 in the village of Shelek was especially exciting atmosphere. The Kazakh secondary school named after Abduali Kaidar opened its doors for 900 little children here. It is historical event for all village, in fact for the first time in area there was such modern building equipped on newest technologies.
The three-storied building is fully equipped owing to the charitable corporate fund “Zhyly Zhurek” and “Beeline Kazakhstan”.
Beeline and the Zhyly Zhurek Foundation Continue to Acquire Housing for Flood Victims
The mobile operator and the foundation are providing housing for flood-affected residents of Uralsk, giving them the opportunity to choose the type of housing themselves. Igor Romanov, one of the victims, has already signed a contract to purchase a house in the village of Baykonys. According to the regional Akimat, most of the victims have already moved into new houses and apartments. They have been provided with 1,548 housing units, of which 375 were newly built.
flood relief
Families with many children, pensioners and single mothers whose homes were affected by the floods wondered how they would get by. Large companies, including Beeline, came to the rescue. Through its charity fund, the company has allocated 1 billion tenge to buy houses for the victims. The list of families in need of help was provided by the city of Akimat.
flood relief
Kar-Tel LLP (Beeline) will transfer 1 billion tenge to Zhyly Zhurek Foundation. The funding is intended to provide assistance to flood victims - to rebuild and purchase housing, repair infrastructure and socially important facilities, and purchase necessary goods in the Aktobe region.
Art classes, TV studios, and STEM labs: how schools in villages are changing
Art classes, TV studios and STEM labs: how schools in villages are changing
This breakthrough is happening due to the program “Developing the Capacity of Key Schools in Rural Areas”. Through the project, rural schools in Kazakhstan receive new equipment, hundreds of teachers receive experience and modern teaching methods. But the main result of this work is 13,000 Kazakhstani rural children who are now learning in a new way.
What the new homes of flood-affected residents look like
The assistance to the flood victims in the villages of Maktaaral district. Company built 50 house
Corporate volunteering
Nowadays, many large companies consider helping and supporting people in need a necessary part of their work and life. But the idea that Kazakhstani market participants develop charity programs with the same attention as they create their business strategies is fairly new.
Three best digital startups will receive grants from Beeline Kazakhstan
Beeline Kazakhstan announced the results of the traditional competition of student digital projects “Live on the bright side!”
The competition is held for the fourth year as part of the Enactus National Cup. It aims to develop young people's entrepreneurial skills in the digital sphere.
Anar Zhumagulova
Informburo.kz with Beeline Kazakhstan reports on how customers' expectations of interaction with brands have changed due to global changes.
Beeline donated
Beeline Kazakhstan added one more organization to the map of the charity project “Unlimited Possibilities” in Almaty. WUNDER Academy became the 25th participant of the social program. This is the first inclusive school in Kazakhstan, where special and normotypical children from 0 to 11 grades study together.
90% of people with disabilities in Kazakhstan cannot find a job. What Beeline's Digithon 2022 offered to participants
On November 16, the results of Digithon 2022 were finalized at Smartpoint co-working space in Almaty. This is a corporate hackathon by Beeline Kazakhstan, during this event teams created innovative products. This time, 10 teams consisting of Beeline employees from all over the country reached the finals - they presented ideas and IT solutions to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
How Beeline helps Kazakhstani people in regions with emergencies
Record flood levels have already affected 10 regions of the country. The state, private companies and ordinary Kazakhstani people are united in the fight against the elements. Free communication and Internet for the amount of 132 million tenge, collection of financial resources and round-the-clock work of technicians - Beeline company told how they support their compatriots in distress.
Reports and documents
We responsibly maintain documentation and are ready to show all of a fund's reporting records
Board of Trustees
  • Evgeniy Nastradin
    CEO of Beeline Kazakhstan
  • Marine Babayan
    VEON Corporate Affairs Group Director
  • Maxim Platonov
    VEON Head of ESG Report
  • Elena Mukhsinova
    Corporate Communications Director of Beeline Kazakhstan
  • Gauhar Adilova
    Chief Financial Officer of Beeline Kazakhstan
If you have an inquiry or suggestion,
please email pr@beeline.kz
  • Anar Zhumagulova
    Director of the corporate fund Zhyly zhurek foundation
  • Aigerim Tolepbergen
    Lead Public Relations Specialist